Soccer Equipment - Epic Sports

USSSA Certifications

USSSA/BPF 1.15 Certification

BPF, standing for Bat Performance Factor, is a measure of the trampoline effect of non-wood bats. In it's simplest form, the BPF standard measures how fast the ball rebounds from a stationary bat compared to how fast the ball rebounds from a solid wall.

The solid wall is assigned a BPF rating of 1. If a bat rebounds the ball 15% faster, it is given a BPF 1.15 rating, which is the standard in USSSA Baseball.

Common Organizations

In addition to the USSSA organization, it is also used by many other smaller organizations and leagues.

Where can I get USSSA certified baseball bats?

USSSA certified bats are available at most any major sporting goods retailer, such as Epic Sports. Our full line of USSSA certified baseball bats are available here: USSSA Certified Baseball Bats.

Certification Mark

Here is what the USSSA BPF 1.15 certification logo that is required to be on all approved bats looks like.

USSSABat Certification Image

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